Excess Protection insurance Quote
Get an online quote by filling out the form below, or contact us for genuine, honest advice with no obligation to buy.

Policyholder's Name
With few exceptions, the policyholder will be the individual identified on the supplying dealer's vehicle sales invoice (or the individual named on the lease agreement in the case of a contract hire vehicle).
If the vehicle is being purchased/leased by a business, enter the details of the individual arranging the cover on behalf of that business - this would normally be an owner/director or fleet manager etc.
If you need assistance with this, please contact us.
Contact Details
Your contact details will only ever be used to provide you with and contact you about the GAP insurance quote you request. Fritters aside, we hate SPAM as much as you do.
The quote you request will be emailed to you from us at support@gapinsurance.co.uk. Please ensure you enter your email address accurately so that you receive it.
Purchase / Funding Method
Please specify the method by which you have funded this vehicle. This allows us to determine which types of GAP insurance we can potentially offer to you.
Cash Purchase
You purchased the vehicle outright.
Dealer Arranged Finance
You are purchasing the vehicle by way of a finance agreement arranged by the supplying dealer, which is secured on the vehicle. This could be a HP, PCP, Conditional or Lease Purchase agreement.
Secured Personal Loan
You are purchasing the vehicle using funds that you have borrowed under a Personal Loan agreement that you've organised yourself and which IS secured on the vehicle.
Unsecured Personal Loan
You are purchasing the vehicle using funds that you have borrowed under a Personal Loan agreement that you've organised yourself, which is NOT secured on the vehicle.
Contract Hire / Lease Hire
You are hiring / leasing the vehicle for a set period of time, after which you are contractually obliged to return the vehicle.
Private Seller
Regardless of how you funded the purchase, select this option if you acquired the vehicle from a private individual.
What To Enter As The Vehicle Value?
Please select the explanation that is most appropriate to your vehicle.
Note that the date of purchase is the date you took delivery of and started to drive the vehicle. It is not the date you placed the order.
Please enter the price you paid for it (to the nearest £1) AFTER any discount that was given but BEFORE any part exchange allowance was deducted.
Please see below for details of what should be included and/or excluded within the declared vehicle value::
INCLUDE: (e.g. do not deduct)
- Costs for any/all factory-fitted accessories / options,
- Costs for any/all dealer-fitted accessories / options (up to a maximum value of £1,500)
- New Vehicle Delivery Fee (where applicable),
- The value of any part-exchange allowance you received for your old vehicle (where applicable).
EXCLUDE: (e.g. deduct)
- The value of any discount you received (we need to know the value after discount),
- First Registration Fee (where applicable),
- Road Fund Licence,
- Fuel,
- Administration fees,
- The cost of insurance policies (e.g. Tyre, Alloy, Scratch & Dent etc) and/or warranties purchased from the supplying dealer and itemised on your vehicle sales invoice,
- The value of any grant and/or finance deposit allowance you received (where applicable).
- The amount of any Negative Equity brought forward from a previous vehicle (your part-exchange) (where applicable).
NOTE: If Your Vehicle Is An Electric Vehicle with a Leased Battery:
You must enter a figure which is the total sum of the invoice price of the vehicle (as described above) AND the Insured Value Of The Battery (as declared on the Battery Lease Agreement).
For example, if your vehicle sales invoice shows the invoice price of the vehicle as £15,000 and the Battery Lease Agreement shows the "Insured Value Of The Battery" as £4,000 you'd enter £19,000 as the Vehicle Value.
Please enter what your vehicle is currently worth. An estimate is acceptable.
If you need assistance with this, please contact us.
As part of your lease agreement you should have been provided with the P11d value of the vehicle. If so, please enter the P11d value otherwise, please enter the amount that the vehicle would have cost you had you bought the vehicle outright.
If you need assistance with this, please contact us.
Caution: A PCP and/or Lease Purchase Agreement, is NOT a Contract Hire Agreement. If you have a PCP or Lease Purchase Agreement please refer to the instructions for a vehicle that has been purchased.
Please enter what your vehicle is currently worth. An estimate is acceptable.
If you need assistance with this, please contact us.
The minimum vehicle value you can declare is £5,000 whilst the maximum values you can declare online are as follows:
- Contract Hire GAP insurance: £100,000
- Invoice GAP insurance: £100,000 (over the telephone we may be able to assist with vehicle values up to £125,000)
- Top-Up GAP insurance: £80,000
- Replacement GAP insurance: £50,000.
If you require any assistance in determining what figure to enter as your Vehicle Value, please contact us.
What are you using the vehicle for?
Please select the explanation that is most appropriate to your vehicle.
Social, Domestic & Pleasure includes all non-work driving such as shopping day trips and holidays, plus visits to friends and family.
Social, Domestic & Pleasure + Commuting covers the same usage as SDP but includes journeys to and from work. It also includes driving to and from the train station and leaving your car there to take the train to work, and even driving someone else to work.
Typically "commuting" relates to travel to and from only one place of work. If you travel to a number of places for work, it's likely you'll need to have some kind of business cover too. See below for further details...
This includes everything in the first two categories plus business-related driving. There are different classes of business use, as follows:
- Class 1 Business Use - if you need to travel to more than one place for business purposes: for example, on-site visits or driving to various business meetings.
- Class 2 Business Use - same as above but also includes another named driver, like your spouse, partner or a colleague if they also use your car for business purposes.
- Class 3 Business Use - sometimes called ‘commercial travelling’, this can potentially cover unlimited miles and an unlimited number of destinations: if you’re a sales rep, for example. Just be aware that while this class may cover delivering samples, it doesn’t cover business goods or merchandise – you’ll need commercial insurance for that.
If you drive for your job: for example, if you’re a minicab or taxi driver, chauffeur, delivery driver or driving instructor, that will be "commercial use". Such use is excluded from our GAP insurance and Excess Protection cover.
Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that you declare the correct use of your vehicle to your motor insurer.
If you require any assistance in determining the correct use of your vehicle, please contact us
Vehicle Make & Model
Please select the make & model of vehicle that you wish to cover. If you don't see the correct vehicle model here, please contact us for assistance.
Date of Registration
Please tell us the date on which your vehicle was (or will be) first registered.
Note that we CANNOT provide cover if your vehicle was first registered prior to: 13/02/2015.
Date of Delivery/Purchase
Please tell us the date on which you did (or will) take delivery of your vehicle.
Note that we CANNOT provide cover if you took delivery of your vehicle prior to: 13/02/2015
Total Loss Courtesy Car cover (TLCc)

Total Loss Courtesy Car
If your vehicle is damaged in an accident, your motor insurance policy will normally provide you with a courtesy/hire car whilst the damage to your vehicle is being assessed.
If they determine that your vehicle is repairable, you would normally have the use of that courtesy car for the duration of the repairs.
If they decide that the damage to your vehicle is beyond repair and subsequently declare it a Total Loss (they write it off), you would then not normally be entitled to their courtesy car any longer (unless you've paid them an additional premium for such entitlement) and, it would be withdrawn: leaving you without the use of a vehicle.
Depending on how much longer they take to settle your claim, you might be without a vehicle for a number of days - or even weeks!
Building in Total Loss Courtesy Car cover (TLCc) to your GAP insurance policy with us, means that in the event your car is declared a Total Loss, we will provide you with a courtesy car for you to use for up to 28-days.
TLCc Cover Features:
The car provided:
- Will be of a similar sized engine to Your vehicle that was deemed a Total Loss (limited to a maximum of a 2.0 litre manual car or equivalent)
- Will be insured. Please note that an excess (normally £250) will apply to accidents/claims occuring during your use of the courtesy car. Exact terms will confirmed prior to you accepting delivery of it.
- Will be able to be delivered to and collected from your home or place of work.
For more information please review the Ts & Cs of our GAP insurance policies here, or generate a quote.
If you'd like to discuss this in more detail with us, please contact us for assistance.
New For Old Promise

New-for-old cover with your motor insurance?
Despite wide-spread assurances to the contrary, which are negligently propogated by apparent consumer "experts": relying on new-for-old cover from your motor insurer and NOT having GAP insurance covering your brand new vehicle during your first year of ownership is a risky business and, something we caution against:
- If you've financed your vehicle (particularly by way of a PCP agreement), there's a good chance you've entirely voided the new-for-old benefit under your motor insurance policy.
- If you've leased your vehicle (e.g. personal contract hire), your vehicle wouldn't usually qualify for new-for-old cover from your motor insurer courtesy of the fact that your name doesn't appear on the V5 Registration document.
- Your motor insurer may refuse to replace the vehicle new-for-old within the first year (in some cases for the most tedious of reasons) and revert to a Market Value settlement instead.
- You can only buy GAP insurance from us within 3-months of taking delivery of the vehicle. Chances are you won't be eligible for Invoice or Replacement GAP insurance if you try to buy cover after a year of owning the vehicle.
Ultimately, going without GAP insurance in the first year could well involve you forfeiting having GAP insurance cover in later years and, given the potential benefit of GAP insurance usually increases with the passing of time, those later years could be when you need GAP insurance most! Why take the risk?
Which is why we have our: "New-for-old Promise":
If your motor insurer replaces your vehicle on a new-for-old basis during the term of your GAP insurance policy, we'll re-issue a whole new GAP insurance policy for your new vehicle, matching the full original duration of cover that you purchased, at no additional cost to you. E.g. if you buy 3-year cover and your motor insurer replaces the vehicle new-for-old when it's 11-months old, we'll re-issue a whole new 3-year GAP insurance policy for your new vehicle.
Note: This "New-for-old Promise" applies to all GAP insurance policies purchased on or since April 25th 2023.
For more information please review the Ts & Cs of our GAP insurance policies here, or generate a quote.
If you'd like to discuss this in more detail with us, please contact us for assistance.
What policy duration do you require?
The following GAP insurance policy durations are available
Top-Up GAP insurance
Policy duration of 1 year. Renewable.
Contract Hire GAP insurance
Policy durations of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 years. Non-renewable.
Invoice GAP insurance
Policy durations of 2, 3 or 4 years. Non-renewable.
Replacement GAP insurance
Policy durations of 2 or 3 years. Non-renewable.
If the vehicle is sold or returned before the policy expiry date, a pro rata rebate in unused premium will be due. Cancellation fees apply; however, these are waived if the rebate is used as a credit towards a new policy on a new vehicle.
How long is your contract/lease hire agreement?
Please tell us the TOTAL duration of your lease agreement.
Knowing the date that you took (or will take) delivery of your vehicle, along with the total duration of your contract/lease hire agreement, helps us determine the length of GAP insurance cover that you need.
For example, if you're already 2-years in to a 4-year lease agreement, there's no point us showing you prices for more than 2-years of cover.
Your Annual Motor Insurance Premium
Telling us how much you pay (or will pay) for annual motor insurance on this vehicle, allows us to assess your eligibility for Top-Up GAP insurance. Without it, we're unable to quote you for Top-UP GAP insurance.
Please enter the figure of the Motor Insurance Premium itself - e.g. exclude any charges for add-ons such as Legal Cover & Courtesy Car provision. Also exclude interest charged for paying monthly.
A-Rated Insurer

Policies underwritten by an A-rated insurer
Our GAP insurance policies are underwritten by Arch Insurance (UK) Ltd - a UK insurer rated A+, A2, AA- and A+ by four of the world's leading insurance rating agencies.
Arch Insurance (UK) Limited
Arch UK has 11 locations across the United Kingdom with a customer-focused ethos. Arch has been recognised for a range of awards and accolades which can be seen here.
Arch Insurance (UK) Limited is backed by its parent: Arch Capital Group Ltd with more than £21 billion in capital as of 31st December 2023.
Arch Insurance (UK) Limited: Financial Strength Ratings:
Standard & Poor's | A+ |
A.M. Best Company | A+ |
Fitch | AA- |
Moody's | A2 |
With FIVE unrated, offshore underwriters of GAP insurance having gone bust in the last few years, it's now more important than ever to ensure you choose a policy backed by financial resources sufficient enough to ensure that the policy will be there when you need it most.
Aren't unrated insurers covered by the FSCS?
Yes and companies that offer policies from unrated insurers will make a song and dance about this. However whilst the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) will cover you for up to 90% of any claim amount if your car is written off and you need to make a claim before the affairs of the original insurer are wrapped up, what they usually fail to tell you is that if the unrated insurer behind your policy goes bust and no other insurer steps in to "buy" your policy from the liquidators (thereby permitting your cover to continue), steps will be taken to cancel your policy and in such circumstances the FSCS is then only good for refunding you up to 90% of what you originally paid for your policy.
This of course then leaves you without GAP insurance cover and, probably too late to buy GAP insurance cover from any other provider.
Whilst a UK-based A-Rated insurer can attract a little higher premium for the policy, the risks of buying a policy from an unrated, offshore insurer are, in our opinion, simply too great.
If you'd like to discuss this in more detail with us, please contact us for assistance.
UK Based Insurer

Policies underwritten by a UK based insurer
Our GAP insurance policies are underwritten by Arch Insurance (UK) Ltd - a UK insurer rated A+, A2, AA- and A+ by four of the world's leading insurance rating agencies.
Arch Insurance (UK) Limited
Arch UK has 11 locations across the United Kingdom with a customer-focused ethos. Arch has been recognised for a range of awards and accolades which can be seen here.
Arch Insurance (UK) Limited is backed by its parent: Arch Capital Group Ltd with more than £21 billion in capital as of 31st December 2023.
Arch Insurance (UK) Limited: Financial Strength Ratings:
Standard & Poor's | A+ |
A.M. Best Company | A+ |
Fitch | AA- |
Moody's | A2 |
FIVE, offshore underwriters of GAP insurance (two in Gibraltar and two in Denmark) have gone bust since 2016 alone!
But offshore insurers are covered by the FSCS aren't they?
Yes, though not as comprehensively as some companies would have you believe.
If the offshore underwriter of your GAP insurance policy goes bust and you need to make a claim before their affairs are wrapped up, if needed the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) will step in to pay up to 90% of your claim value. However if you're not making a claim at the time the insurer's affairs are being wrapped up, the remaining term of your policy will be subject to whether or not another insurer steps in to buy it. If your policy is not sold on to another insurer, the liquidators will seek to cancel the remaining term of your policy in which case, the FSCS would then only be good for refunding you up to 90% of what you originally paid for your policy.
This of course would leave you without GAP insurance cover and, probably too late to buy GAP insurance cover from any other provider.
Whilst a policy from an offshore, unrated insurer might well be slightly cheaper upfront, we believe that the risks are simply too high and as a result, we only ever deal with large, A-rated, UK-based insurers.
If you'd like to discuss this in more detail with us, please contact us for assistance.
NO Market Value Clauses

NO Market Value Clauses In Our Policies
Buy a Contract Hire, Invoice or Replacement GAP insurance policy incorporating one or more Market Value clause and you're highly likely to receive a reduced payout at the time of claim. The sole purpose of a Market Value clause is to ensure that the GAP insurance policy payout is reduced.
The most common Market Value clause amongst inferior GAP insurance policies is in relation to the motor insurance pay-out at the time of claim. In simple terms, if the motor insurer's payout is less than what the GAP insurer's preferred valuation "guide" says that your car is worth, the GAP insurer will not cover what they will perceive to be an underpayment by your motor insurer.
To add insult to injury though, if you bought a used car, a Market Value clause within an Invoice or Replacement GAP insurance policy may well be called upon to allow the GAP insurer to revalue your vehicle at the time you first bought it. If they find that their guide said your vehicle was worth less than the price you actually paid for the vehicle, the GAP insurer will not cover what they will perceive to have been an overpayment on your part.
One Market Value clause is bad enough. To suffer the application of both could very well result in a substantially lower GAP insurance payout than what you would have received from a policy that had no Market Value clause at all - A policy like the Contract Hire, Invoice and Replacement GAP insurance policies that have available.
We dropped Market Value clauses from our Contract Hire, Invoice and Replacement GAP insurance policies back in early 2013. Sadly there are other providers that haven't followed suit.
The long and short of it is, a Contract Hire, Invoice or Replacement GAP insurance policy which incorporates a Market Value clause should be avoided - at all costs.
Top-Up GAP insurance:
Top-Up GAP insurance policies DO incorporate a form of Market Value clause - to the best of our knowledge a Top-Up GAP insurance policy with no Market Value clause does not yet exist in the market. A Market Value clause exists with such a policy in order to prevent somebody 'profiting' from their vehicle being written off.
To clarify, in the event that your vehicle is written off (through accident, fire or theft etc) Top-Up GAP insurance will aim to top-up your motor insurance pay-out by a further 25% (limited to a maximum payout of £10,000). If however your motor insurance pay-out is more than the "Market Value" of your vehicle at the time of claim (defined as the "Retail Transacted" value published by Glass's Guide), the Top-Up GAP insurance policy will aim to pay out 25% of the Market Value of your vehicle (rather than 25% of the higher amount paid out by the motor insurer).
If you have any questions about any of the above. Please don't hesitate to contact us.
If you'd like to discuss this in more detail with us, please contact us for assistance.
Cash Payouts

Our GAP insurance Policies Pay Out In Cash
If you make a claim on one of our GAP insurance policies, once any finance company with an interest in the vehicle (if applicable) has been paid the amount due to them, the remaining funds are paid directly to the policyholder. If you didn't finance the vehicle (or the finance had already been cleared by the time of the claim), the whole sum is paid directly to you. This payment is made with no strings. You can use it against the cost of buying any car from any dealership of your choice. Or not... it's your money - do with it as you please!
This is different to some other GAP insurance providers who will either insist that they have to source your next vehicle or, will pay out in the form of a credit to either a motor dealer of their choice or the dealer you bought the original vehicle from. Some GAP insurance providers even have Replacement GAP insurance policies, which they'll charge you more for, which state that if you're not replacing the vehicle at the time of claim, they'll only pay out on an Invoice GAP insurance basis.
Our view is that a policy that does not pay out in cash to the policyholder is considerably more restrictive in terms of the choices available to you at the time of claim - depending on the circumstances that led to your vehicle being written off you might not want the same vehicle again, you may not want a vehicle from the same dealership/manufacturer again... you may event not want a vehicle at all.
A cash payout is the least restrictive payout and, leaves you with the freedom of choice. Don't settle for anything less!
If you'd like to discuss this in more detail with us, please contact us for assistance.
5-Star Rated Policies

Independently Rated 5-Star Policies
Our GAP insurance policies are consistently and independently rated 5-stars. Check us out on various customer review websites such as Feefo, TrustPilot and there's reviews on social media via Facebook too.
If you'd like to discuss this in more detail with us, please contact us for assistance.
30-Day Money Back Guarantee / Cooling Off Period

30-Day Cooling Off Period
If you buy a policy from us and for any reason whatsoever you change your mind, you can cancel the policy within the first 30-days and so long as you've not made a claim we'll give you a 100% refund.
If you cancel your policy more than 30-days after purchasing it and then either change your mind or, sell your vehicle, you can cancel the policy and so long as you've not made a claim we'll give you a pro-rata rebate of unused premium. You can then use that rebate towards the cost of a new policy on a new vehicle and no cancellation fee will apply. Alternatively you can ask for the rebate to be refunded but, an administration fee (currently £15) will apply in the case of a refund.
If you'd like to discuss this in more detail with us, please contact us for assistance.