All you need to know about GAP insurance

  • UPDATED – How Do Our Gap Insurance Policies Compare to those from our competitors?

    We are repeatedly asked how our policies compare to those available from our competitors and whilst we know our policies (and most of our competitor’s policies) inside out, we recognise that it can be a bit of a minefield to the uninitiated. With this in mind, on June 23rd 2013, we spent a considerable amount…

  • have been in touch…

    On August 22nd, we updated our report detailing how our GAP insurance policies compare to those available from each of our online competitors.  In the report, we highlighted the fact that it wasn’t entirely clear whether the policies incorporated a ‘Market Value’ clause (in terms of the Motor Insurer’s payout) or not. Perhaps not…

  • ABI publishes their (confusing?) “Guide To Making Sense of Gap Insurance”

    Today we were alerted to the fact that the ABI (Association of British Insurers) had recently published a “Guide To Making Sense Of Gap Insurance”. Given the recent wider industry focus on Gap Insurance by the likes of Which? and Defaqto, we were eager to discover the ABI’s take on this form of Insurance. The…

  • Which? Recognise

    In March 2012, the consumer’s champion Which? published a guide to Gap Insurance. Their guide compared some basic policy features of a number of policies from various online providers of Gap Insurance and even included a suggestion of how their policies might stand up against some Gap Insurance policies offered by Motor Dealers. Given that…

  • Sale Extended to April 30th!

    Following on from the recent improvements we made to our Gap Insurance policy terms and conditions, we were inundated with requests to extend our sale (providing Gap Insurance savings of up to 60%). Apparently, it was unfair that we should introduce what are now arguably the best Invoice and Replacement Gap Insurance policies available in…

  • Our Gap Insurance Policies Are Now EVEN BETTER!

    March 29th, 2013 sees the launch of our new and improved Invoice & Replacement Gap Insurance policies that have seen a drastic and thorough overhaul of the Terms and Conditions of each policy to make them better value and fairer to the consumer but also allow us to position ourselves in the marketplace with arguably…

  • March 2013: Newsletter

    Gap Insurance Sale Extended to March 31st. Tomorrow and in the coming weeks, some of you will be lucky enough to be getting a brand new car and for those of you that are, we hope you’re ready for being asked to purchase a whole range of additional products and services that the salesperson will…

  • Sample Claims on our Replacement Gap Insurance Policies.

    In February 2013 we were the first provider of Gap Insurance in the UK to begin publishing details of the claims being made on our Gap Insurance policies. Click here to see the 10 most recent Replacement Gap Insurance claims that we’ve handled.

  • What Claim Limit for Replacement Gap Insurance?

    One of the more difficult choices you’ll have to make when taking out a Replacement Gap Insurance policy is the Claim Limit you wish for your policy to have. The Claim Limit refers to the maximum amount – on top of your motor insurance payout – that the Replacement Gap Insurance policy will pay in…

  • The Key Features of Replacement Gap Insurance

    The differences between Replacement Gap Insurance policies from one provider to another can be quite subtle and consequently not always immediately obvious. Click here to read our brief guide to the key features of our Replacement Gap Insurance policy.