We are repeatedly asked how our policies compare to those available from our competitors and whilst we know our policies (and most of our competitor’s policies) inside out, we recognise that it can be a bit of a minefield to the uninitiated.
With this in mind, on June 23rd 2013, we spent a considerable amount of time working through the fine details of the Terms and Conditions of the GAP insurance policies available from all the main online providers, documenting and comparing them to our own with a view to publishing an at-a-glance comparison of all the policies.
Today (December 30th 2013) we’ve been through them all again, verifying prices and checking policy exclusions from all the main online providers of GAP insurance. This time around we’ve included the details of HelpUCover.co.uk’s GAP insurance policies and also included reference to both the payment (if any) towards the policyholder’s Car Insurance excess and also noted the geographical location of the various policy underwriters.
This exercise has served to re-inforce our belief that we offer the best Invoice and Replacement GAP insurance policies that you can buy online.
If you’re buying a new or used car in 2014, you can do far worse than read our guide and see just how our GAP insurance policies stack up against those available elsewhere.