Tag: cars

  • Can you beat the GAPInsurance.co.uk Car Quiz?!

    Can you beat the GAPInsurance.co.uk Car Quiz?!

  • Reconnecting with our first ever customer!

    Reconnecting with our first ever customer!

    Recently, we were delighted to be contacted for a quote by Mr Andrew Asbury via our automated call-back request service. David recognised Mr Asbury’s name immediately and a quick search of our database endorsed his (sometimes almost superhuman…) memory that Mr Asbury was GAPInsurance.co.uk‘s first ever customer, back in 2004! Mr Asbury has purchased GAP…

  • A million quotes!

    A million quotes!

    We are pleased to report that we have reached our one millionth quote since our re-brand back in 2014. To mark the occasion, we have gifted the cost of the policy to qualifying customer, William Walker, in appreciation for his custom.  Expressing his delight, Managing Director, David Burns-Keane commented “We work very hard to ensure…