Recently, we were delighted to be contacted for a quote by Mr Andrew Asbury via our automated call-back request service. David recognised Mr Asbury’s name immediately and a quick search of our database endorsed his (sometimes almost superhuman…) memory that Mr Asbury was GAPInsurance.co.uk‘s first ever customer, back in 2004!
Mr Asbury has purchased GAP insurance from us a number of times in the past and returned to us again, this time for a quote for his wife’s new car.
As a thank you to Mr and Mrs Asbury for their repeat custom, and in celebration of GAPInsurance.co.uk’s long-standing customer relationships, we were able to offer a loyalty discount off the premium for their new insurance policy.
Mrs Asbury commented “David remembering my husband as his first ever customer over 15 years ago and reaching out to us made us feel really special; it’s evident that GAPInsurance.co.uk really cares about each individual sale and building relationships that last. This was further evidenced by the time that Tim took to explain our policy options in detail, showing his knowledge and passion for the industry. Although previously our searches for insurance have been primarily based on price, the service that we have received from David and the team has reminded us that value for money goes beyond that and we will continue to be loyal customers of GAPInsurance.co.uk.”
We are so pleased to receive Mr and Mrs Asbury’s comments about the service that they have received and look forward to continuing our long-standing relationship as their GAP insurance provider.
We value all of our customers and are passionate about giving each person our time to ensure that they feel confident that they have not only made the right purchase but understand what their policy means and how it benefits them.
If you would like to hear more about how GAP insurance could benefit you, feel free to request a call-back on our website or call us directly on 01484 490095. We’re open Monday-Friday 9.00-17.15 and 9.00-12.00 on Saturdays.